Diversity is the key to success
LKC is a dynamic, agile, high-growth family of law firms, with primary focus in the areas of auditing, legal and tax consulting. At its head is LKC Holding, which usually holds a significant majority in the respective LKC law firm.

We are seeking further tax consultancy and auditing firms in the greater area of southern Bavaria
- We will take over your law firm 100 % or acquire majority shareholdings in a law firm for which you need to find a succession solution
- By integrating with the LKC Group, which currently has more than 600 highly motivated employees and 30 locations, your employees will benefit from the interdisciplinary exchange with colleagues from all LKC locations
- You will enjoy the advantages of the joint network – in the areas of specialist know-how, IT and marketing as well
- Our philosophy is to allow our partners the highest degree of corporate autonomy.
- We offer your senior executives the prospect of becoming equity partners at your location