Solicitor, Solicitor, Specialist lawyer for tax law, Specialist lawyer for tax law
Prior experience:
- Studied law at LMU Munich
- Legal trainee in Munich
- Specialist attorney for tax law
- from 2007 solicitor at B&W Weigell Rechtsanwälte
- Partner since the founding of W&R Weigell Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB in 2014
Key focus areas:
- Criminal defense of corporate bodies and individuals in tax and commercial criminal proceedings
- Criminal law preventive advice to companies and individuals (e.g. voluntary disclosures, corrections)
- Tax advice / support for companies and individuals in the context of tax audits, objection proceedings and representation in front of tax courts
- Support of ta advisors in tax audits, oppositon and enforcement proceedings
- Advice on compliance
- Succession planning
Martina Butenschön is member of the Rechtsanwaltskammer München, the Deutscher Anwaltsverein, the Wirtschaftsstrafrechtlichen Vereinigung e.V. as well as the International Fiscal Association (ifa). She is also a member of the WIRAS Verbund. Martina Butenschön is co author of the following publications: Rübenstahl/Idler, Tax Compliance, 2018, Prävention – Investigation – Remediation – Unternehmensverteidigung, chapter 10. Unternehmensvertretung (AdV etc.) und Compliance-Risiken im Erhebungs- und Beitreibungsverfahren; Das Anlegerschutzverbesserungsgesetz, BKR K2004, Heft 11, S. 421–464.
In addition, she occasionally is a consultant for the German Bar Association in cooperation with the Brussels Bar Association.
Martina Butenschön was born in Munich in 1978. In her free time she likes skiing, hiking and sailing.
Martina Butenschön is your contact person for succession and deceased estate regulation, tax advice.
E-Mail: info@weigell.de
Telefon: +49 89 2421589-0