
Tax advisor

Prior experience:

  • Trained as a tax clerk at Datag in Bad Reichenhall
  • Further training to become a tax specialist at Datag in Bad Reichenhall
  • Exam and appointment as tax advisor by the Munich Chamber of Tax Consultants
  • Appointed as authorised signatory and manager of Datag’s Berchtesgaden office

Professional focus areas:

  • Business and tax advice for medium-sized businesses, freelancers and private individuals
  • Preparation of annual financial statements and tax returns
  • Preparation of inheritance and gift tax declarations

Monika Reif supports small and medium-sized companies of all legal forms in terms of tax and business administration.

Monika Reif was born in Berchtesgaden in 1988 and has a deep bond with the beautiful region she calls home. In her free time, depending on the season, she likes to cycle, hike or ski in the mountains of Berchtesgaden or enjoy the tranquillity with a good book.

Monika Reif is your contact person for tax law.

Telefon: +49 8652/9477-0